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Version: 1.8.1

Defining export files


The Save Statement​

Allows to save data in a file. The type of file can be "shp", "text" or "csv". The save statement can be use in an init block, a reflex, an action or in a user command.


  • to (string): an expression that evaluates to a string, the path to the file.
  • data (any type), (omissible): any expression, that will be saved in the file.
  • crs (any type): the name of the projection, e.g. crs:"EPSG:4326" or its EPSG id, e.g. crs:4326. Here a list of the CRS codes (and EPSG id):
  • rewrite (boolean): an expression that evaluates to a boolean, specifying whether the save will erase the file or append data at the end of it.
  • type (an identifier): an expression that evaluates to a string, the type of the output file (it can be only "shp", "text" or "csv")


  • Its simple syntax is:
save data to: output_file type: a_type_file;
  • To save data in a text file:
save (string(cycle) + "->"  + name + ":" + location) to: "save_data.txt" type: "text";
  • To save the values of some attributes of the current agent in csv file:
save [name, location, host] to: "save_data.csv" type: "csv";
  • To save the geometries of all the agents of a species into a shapefile (with optional attributes):
save species_of(self) to: "save_shapefile.shp" type: "shp" attributes: [name::"nameAgent", location::"locationAgent"] crs: "EPSG:4326";

Export files in an experiment​

When the modeler wants to save data at each simulation step, it is recommended to use the save statement either in the model itself or in a reflex of the experiment (the syntax and the use are similar in all the cases).

The use of save in experiment is mandatory when we want to save a value related to several simulations running in parallel (e.g. the average of a value over several simulations). It is in particular in batch experiments to save a value at the end of simulations.


Image files can be exported also through the autosave facet of the display, as explained in this previous part.