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Version: 1.8.1

Some pedagogical materials

Initiation to algorithms with Scratch​

A set of exercices for your first step to algorithms using the graphical tool Scratch: PDF.

Memo GAML​

A summary of the organization of a GAML model, its main parts and the main keywords, statements: PDF.

Exercice (*): Firefly synchronization​

From UML diagram, implement a GAMA model.

Exercice (*): Firefighter model​

Implement the model given in the model description file. The guide file helps you to separate the implementation of the structure of the model, its initialization, its dynamics and ways to visualize it.

Exercice (**): Wolves, Goats, Cabbages model​

Implement the model given in the model description file. The detailed subject divides the model in 3 steps and contains helps and advices to implement the model.

Exercice (**): Schelling model​

Exercice (**): Traffic model​

Exercice (***): Shortest path on grid by distance diffusion​