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Version: 1.8.1

3. Connections


  • Mapping the network of connection

3D tutorial: creation of a 3D distance graph amon cells.

Model Definition​

In this final step, we will display edges between cells that are within a given distance.

Cells update​

We add a new reflex to collect the neighbors of the cell that are within a certain distance:

species cells skills:[moving3D]{
reflex compute_neighbors {
neighbors <- cells select ((each distance_to self) < 10);

Then we update the cell aspect as follows. For each element (cells) of the neighbors list, we draw a line between this neighbor's location and the current cell's location.

aspect default {
draw sphere(environment_size*0.01) color: #orange;
loop pp over: neighbors {
draw line([self.location,pp.location]);

Complete Model​

The GIT version of the model can be found here Model 03.gaml

model Tuto3D

global {
int nb_cells <- 100;
int environment_size <- 100;
geometry shape <- cube(environment_size);

init {
create cell number: nb_cells {
location <- {rnd(environment_size), rnd(environment_size), rnd(environment_size)};

species cell skills: [moving3D] {
rgb color;
list<cell> neighbors;
int offset;

reflex move {
do wander;

reflex compute_neighbors {
neighbors <- cell select ((each distance_to self) < 10);

aspect default {
draw sphere(environment_size * 0.01) color: #orange;
loop pp over: neighbors {
draw line([self.location, pp.location]);

experiment Tuto3D type: gui {
parameter "Initial number of cells: " var: nb_cells min: 1 max: 1000 category: "Cells";
output {
display View1 type: opengl background: rgb(10, 40, 55) {
graphics "env" {
draw cube(environment_size) color: #black empty: true;
species cell;