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Version: 1.8.2-RC2


To run a Gama Headless SERVER

  • From the release, go to the headless directory in your Gama installation and run the script (or gama-headless.bat) with the argument -socket followed by the socket you want your Gama server to run on.

    For example on Mac OS you could do:


    to move to the right directory, then run the script to listen on port 6868 with:

    bash -socket 6868
  • From the source code, in Eclipse: Instantiate a headless server by running msi.gama.headless.id4_full with the following argument -os ${target.os} -ws ${} -arch ${target.arch} -nl ${} -socket 6868 (you can specify any other port)

The current javascript client version is being developed in this repository gama.client

Hello World Visualization in MapBox​

  • Clone the repository gama.client
  • In Javascript/gama_client.js edit the following variable ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_GAMA to your local path (e.g var ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_GAMA = '/Users/arno/';
  • open Javascript/index.htmlin a browser

Hello World Message example​

  • In chain_messages.js edit the following variable ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_GAMA to your local path (e.g var ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_GAMA = '/Users/arno/';
  • open Javascript/message_examplein a browser