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GAMA Coding camp 2023

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As almost every year, the GAMA team and friends gathered for a one week coding camp in order to progress on the platform's development. Once again it was held in Tam Cแป‘c at Chez Loan from the 11th to the 16th of April.

This year the goal was to finalize the release of GAMA 1.9.1 and start working on GAMA 2. Even if the weather was a bit demoralizing this year, everyone did their best and the resulting GAMA 1.9.1 is probably the most polished version of GAMA to be released.

You can already download GAMA 1.9.1 here

Thanks to all the people that made their way to Tam Cแป‘c as well as the ones that participated in remote, it was a real pleasure, and see you next year!
